I am proud to announce that it is NOT ME that will be winning the Mom of the Year Award for 2009!

Why, you might ask, or NOT! Because it was not me that worried about baby Roo all weekend and did not follow my mother's intuition. Not me, because I would not do that!

I did not try to comfort and pace and bounce him until my arm was about to fall off or at least be so stretched out it would drag the floor, while he screamed (very loudly, by the way) in pain because his little tummy hurt. And, he does NOT, have constant constipation because he doesn't have such low muscle tone in his trunk from the Cerebral Palsy that(I wish)he doesn't have.

Next, it surely was not me that had to insert a finger (it was a pinky and protected) inside his little tushy just to give him the slightest bit of relief. (oh, the things that a mother will not do)...

Bless his little heart!

The reason for the award? During the phone call that I did not receive back from the doctors office, I didn't find out that if an infant is screaming like that for over an hour, said infant should be taken to the emergency room. And, I had not already waited until it had been past two hours. Being the great mother that I am, I would not do that!

Oh, and Roo did not scream his little lungs out for over 2 hours no matter what anyone tried to do for him just to sit in his car seat and attempt a half giggle as he watched Signing Time.

Therefore, since Roo seemed so much better....we did not go right ahead and get groceries at Wally World with him in tow because we honestly did NOT have a thing to eat in our house. And, in the middle of the trip we didn't take we did not have to buy him a whole new outfit because he had a complete blowout! Eeewwww...not him!

Hehe...and I don't have a clue what that little girl in the bathroom was talking about when she told her mommy "ewww, it smell like somebody poopied in here!!" And, I did not crack up laughing at that!

Last, but not least, I am NOT combining Memories on Monday from Leslie over at JAM's Own Reality with my Not Me Monday from MckMama over at My Charming Kids.


As you can see by this sweet, adorable picture of Roo on Halloween of 2007 he is ALWAYS so precious and CALM...so, you know that the story above could not have been about him. Not him, because he NEVER screams.


16 other ramblers babbled:

Joanna said...

Oh my goodness, what a day! I'm so sorry for little Roo that he had to go through that, and his momma who I'm sure was about strung out with misery while he was crying. I know that's how I feel when my little man cries and I can't help it. I love the picture too!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

We went through similar stuff with constipation, ending up in the ER, and with blow-outs. Great times!! I guess I have to take the mother of the year too!!

Wayne said...

Great not me monday I found it very funny

Leslie said...

Oh my, I'm not sure if I should say poor little Roo or poor little "YOU". It sounds like a tough weekend for all involved!

Hope you are both doing better today.

Thanks for sharing a memory with us. Roo is darling either way!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

ha!!! Those pictures are hilarious!

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

I didn't realize that your little Roo had CP. Our LastSon has a very mild case/condition of it too. We just found out last year when he was 5 3/4 years old. It presents a different set of challenges but the blowouts.... Well, all my kiddos offered that up to me too---- thinking of you! Kara

Dee said...

Awww..poor thing! I did have to laugh a little at those pics though!

Michelle said...

I most certainly can not relate to having to purchase a whole new outfit to remedy an explosion. Nope, not me!

Anonymous said...

Too funny. He's a cutie though!

Chris said...

Poor sweet little guy! I'm glad he finally did have a blowout. Sounds like he needed it.
Adorable pictures too BTW!

Anonymous said...

The screaming picture....hilarious, but probably just for me, not you.

Kacey said...

Oh my goodness! I hope he is feeling better! He's such a cutie, glad he never screams. ;o) Mine never ever scream either. lol

Ann Harrison said...

Now THIS is the kind of picture I can relate to. NICE!

Veronica Lee said...

This has to be one of the best "Not Me Monday" posts I'm reading!

kel said...

Oh my god... we had to do the little tushy thing... but we had to use a qtip and vaseline! ewwwww

ps. my word verification is
My Zesser why do I find that hilarious?

Mel Fraase said...

Poor C! Glad it turned out OK, in a fantastically "only a mom" sort of way. LOVE the pic of him screaming - I have one just like that of Piper!!!