January 20, 2009


Yep, this proves it! I TOLD you I was addicted to blogging! Here's the proof....

78%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

I was feeling a little comforted as I followed the trail and everyone else's percentage was higher than mine. But then I came across a lower percentage. I decided to stop right there and just admit it...I'm no better than the rest of you addicts!! ;)

I found this over at Blueviolet's place, A Nut in a Nutshell. Thanks, for showing me I'm not alone!

6 other ramblers babbled:

Deb said...

i don't know... i am still in denial, and would rather not know. that's not a good sign, is it?

Leslie said...

OMGosh, I did this the other day. I was 71%. I thought for sure I was going to be at least 90. I was relieved. I don't want to have to check myself into bloggy rehab!

lov said...

this is awesome!
i must go do it now!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Too funny! Apparently I'm 81% addicted to blogging... Guess I need professional help! ;)

Mel Fraase said...

OK - I went and checked it out! Apparently I'm 80% addicted, how I managed to be 2% higher than YOU is beyond me!!! I'll have to post it tomorrow! The fact that they give you the html code at the end should tip us off right away :) Yes we're addicted!!

Keri said...

Addiction. First step is admitting it! At least you're not in denial!