Cheaper Than Therapy
for more ATWT see
Cheaper than Therapy

the deceased mailbox

Taz investigating the damage

This lovely ice that we have been getting here has reeked havoc for sure. Monday evening I hear a knock on my door. I open the door to see a young gentleman (well, I don't KNOW him so I am assuming he is a gentleman) holding my mailbox out towards me.

My poor mailbox(MB)had been run over, and back over again. Our poor MB didn't make it! MB passed away and was even dismembered. With feet still stuck in the ground, MB no longer has a leg attached to stand on and has several broken parts.

Now, of course, we have missed MB but definitely not all the junk (mail) that comes from within.

R.I.P. MB!!

30 other ramblers babbled:

Impulsive Addict said...

Poor MB. I'm sure "it" will be sadly missed. My condolences go out to you and your fam.

You totally cracked me up with your comment on my blog! I laughed out loud fo real!!! =) I wish I had a twin...

Oh..BTW..I can't believe that you've already had a 20 year class reunion! You soooo don't look old enough for that. I may have to add you to my list of girl crushes.

And one more BTW...I only know 4 people IRL on my blog. I have never met Katy or Miss JC. But good try! =)

Anonymous said...

It's actually pretty refreshing that he came to your house and admitted it!

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

hee hee! at least he admitted it. That's more than MOST people would!

Doublebanker said...

We had our mailbox filled with snow the other day by the neighbor least it was still standing :)

Here's my Thousand Word Thursday post

Stacy Uncorked said...

Poor mailbox! Like others have said, at least the person who killed it 'fessed up...that's a rarity! :)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

last year we replaced our mailbox 3 times. this year we just keep duct taping until spring.

Deb said...

oh well... no place for all those bills to go, except "return to sender"!

Katy said...

Poor mailbox...he was a good soul.

I found the blue warmer on my site that you were talking about. Go to "warmers" and it's the fourth one pictured. Hope this helps. If you decide to buy something, you can do it all by yourself straight from my site. Ok. Thanks for the interest...don't forget to read about it again today, my sister wrote something about it.

Abby said...

Oh no! At least he only took out the mailbox. Stupid ice!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

oh wow! what a bummer!

Heather of the EO said...

Farewell ye MB, I'm sure you served your family well. You will be missed and also replaced. But never forgotten.

Brooks said...

Thats funny. Did you hear that they may quit delivering on saturday now too!

April said...

I can't believe that guy actually stopped to tell you about MB...he must be a gentleman! Happy ATWT!

The Mom Jen said...

Great new look over here! Sorry about MB, sadder thing is, the bills will STILL come! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, your poor mailbox. I can't believe the guy brought it in to you!

CaseyDeuce said...

Ack! Poor mailbox!!!

kel said...

I feel like we should be standing over it singing "Its so hard to say goodbye" and pouring our drinks on it.

jennykate77 said...

Hey! Saw a few of your comments on Impulsive Addict's're a funny girl.

My sincere condolences to you regarding your MB...I'm sure it will be missed dearly.

Happy Thursday!

P.S. I'm in OK too☺

Anonymous said...

At least he was brave enough to admit he ran it over

BluRayn said...

Poor MB, I'm sure you'll miss it terribly. Or at least til it's replaced with a newer, shinier MB! ;)

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

RIP MB! He must have been a gentleman since he came and told you. Out here that's called SPORT!

Dawn said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Thousand Word Thursday. This is my first time to participate.

I also saw that someone said you live in OK?!? I do too!

I wish I would have known and then you could have come to our little blogger get together this past Friday night. I blogged about it. Check it out and you can go visit some of the other OK bloggers. :)

You'll have to come to our next one. :)

RIP MB!! Cute pictures!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Your poor mailbox, looking forward to pics of the new one.

Laura Marchant said...

I have to say this is the first obituary I have seen for a mailbox, lol!

Katy said...

OMG: I'm going to have a Scentsy party at my cousin's house (near you) AND you should come. We haven't set a date yet....but I can let you know when we do. OK. How fun! I'll keep you posted.

Mel Fraase said...

Please be sure to notify next of kin, but not by post, that would be tacky.
Farewell dear MB....
You will be surely missed, sometimes.

Leslie said...

Is Taz just the cutest! Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts (and giggles) are with you.

Kalei said...

Do you live next to my Gramma. We told her to let grandpa drive, and I swear I only heard her admit to one mailbox and that was her own, but then there was the garage door, and a few small animals. sorry for your loss.....too bad about the junk mail.

The Hopeful Elephant said...

It is with great sorrow that I acknowlege the passing of MB. S/He was such a nice MB, full of mail, and bills...
I've been outside kicking mine, pulling it, threatening it...mine won't die. What's a girl to do?

Jenny said...

Too funny! I remember the time I heard a knock at the door and I opened the door to find the mailman holding the mailbox and 1/2 of the post.

Apparently, he opened it to put the mail in and it broke in half! LOL!

I wasn't LOL when we had to go price out new mailboxes though! Who would have thought a mailbox would be so costly?