Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama.
You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
To begin this Not Me! Monday I just want to let you know it was NOT me that did not even open my laptop until 10:30 pm last night. We all know me better than that! And, it was not me that was barely on the computer at all this weekend, when I should have been sharing my bloggy love by commenting to all my bloggy friends. There is no way I would've spent the weekend with my family and visit with my mother when she came into town.
Thankfully, it was (and is) NOT me that has been sitting in a cold house with a broken heater! And, it surely was not me that stayed in that cold house while sending Hubby, BA and Taz out to the woods to collect firewood for the fireplace...where it is even colder! I would NOT do that or I would fear they would freeze to death and all get sick, just to keep it warm in my house for ME!
It is NOT me that had to go pick up Taz from school this morning because he is now sick. I am absolutely grateful that it was NOT me that sent him out in the freezing cold to get that wood or I would have felt SO guilty. Good thing it was NOT ME!!
It's NOT me that went ahead and took Roo to school this morning (to make sure he got his therapy) even though Hubby told me not to because the roads would be getting slick. And, it is NOT me that just called the high school to excuse BA to leave early and then let him go over to a friends house instead of coming straight home. I would NOT do that because I remember what idiots teenage boys can be jacking around on ice slick roads!

I hope you enjoy my walk down memory lane. Here are pictures of me and Hubby as we are leaving to go to my 20th class reunion in 2006. Yes! I said 20th! Then are some fun pictures with my 'real life' buds (not my bloggy buddies...although I would LOVE to meet some of you some day)! This is also when I had JUST found out I was pregnant with Roo....so, I had to be a good girl and no wild partying with the gang! That's ok, we had fun anyway. I'm kinda silly with or without assistance. ;)

13 other ramblers babbled:
Look at how stinkin' cute you are! I had my 20th not long ago too but unlike you, I didn't go and probably never will. I should but I won't.
I can't blame you a bit about the teen driver concern. It's crazy out there during the 20 minutes or so when school lets out. Especially in this weather!
Wow...you must have made the other girls feel soooooo bad cause you were looking smokin' hot! I had my 20th reunion in October and I had a blast!
I started a NOT ME Monday at my livin' life in tx. blog.
Love the photos. Your hubby looks like a football player!
Like the not me idea...good past photos too.
Check out high speed gif of a watermelon getting hit with a bullet!
Just tried my first NOT ME post.
I did not shove a handful of m&ms in my mouth when my 2 year old was coming around the corner, so she wouldn't see the "CANDY!" and ask me for one. And I did not slowly chew it up while facing the opposite direction from her....I like Not Me Monday....I think I will try to join the club. =) Oh and I like those pics of your 20th Reunion, which by the way baffles me, because I thought you were like 25 years old. =) Your Hubby looks pretty young too....lucky bastards! =)
Loved your Not Me post! And you are STUNNING in your 20th reunions pics! Well, you're STILL Stunning! ;)
Poor little Taz. Hope he's feeling better. And you and hubby were LOOKING GOOD at the 20th. Bet all the girls were jealous. Way to go!
You and your hubby are looking pretty hot at the reunion.
Happy Monday!
Look at you, hot mama!! Do you always tan that well?? Sorry Taz is sick, it must be going around everywhere!
Piper is a poor sleeper, too. She's the only kid that we can't have in our bed or no one gets any rest. She eventually sleeps alone, but she can't seem to manage it if any one is with her. Weird.
BTW the button scroll if genius!!!
OK - just realized I commented about both your blogs at one time...tee hee!
How farking HOT are you????
Serious! Hot, Hot, Hottie!
As always, b.e.a.utiful!
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