July 15, 2009

Testing Testing 1 2 3

Well, as you can probably see I am "testing" to see how this blogging from my new iPhone is gonna work. So, please excuse any errors....I swear I have sausages for fingers!

It was time to renew my contract on my phone so I headed out and finally got to get me a new iPhone 3gS. It is so fun to shop the millions (it has to be
millions) of apps to add and play with. I will have to let you know how this app works FOR me.
Yes, I am on vacation and out of town. And, being the cool mom that I am I let Tuba Boy (aka-my oldest child) take MY laptop with him to a different location (Uncle B's) to play 'WOW'.

Ok, for testing purposes only-I am adding this pic I accidentaly took of myself while trying to figure out how to work the camera on my phone. And this has absolutely NO editing...I will figure that out another time.

I will close for now but will return (as soon as I figure out how to add a link or am back will my dearly missed laptop) to tell you about the fun friend and adorable children along with her mother that met Friday. Today I got to have lunch with a sweet blogger and tomorrow is a PJ Party!!

-- Post From My iPhone

3 other ramblers babbled:

Mel Fraase said...

Tee hee, good picture ;) Still jealous of the phone..... I'll get over it. Devising a plan to drive to your house and steal it verrry soon!

Unknown said...

You are such a high techie gal!!! I can barely call out on my phone lol

Sheila said...

I've said before I have man hands. I'm pleased just to dial a phone number on mine. Good luck. :-)