for more FF go see Mrs.4444 at
Half Past Kissin' Time...
Half Past Kissin' Time...
Gah! I am a FREAK! I can NOT control myself! I was so busy all day and had decided I was in such a funk that I was going to skip my Friday Fragments. I simply was trying to leave a little comment love since I have been such a slacker lately. (sorry about that...I still love you all...I've been lucky to squeeze in my posts this week with everyone sick).
Anyway, back to my point. I was telling my friend Keri at Flickers about my 'pretend' friend {wink,wink} Tena at My Therapy. Tena is a hoot! Cracks me UP! But I was telling Keri about Tena's new ummm...section?, post?, weekly thingy-ma-jig (just go check it out) she is doing for weight loss/getting in shape/Kiss My Big Fat Blog Ass Goodbye.

So, of course, when I got over there to get Flickers the linky-loo, I HAD to read her Friday Fragments. And, I sat there laughing so hard and nodding my head and replying (in my head) to everything she was saying. Too funny. So, I HAD to go comment.
Well, now, I think I might see what my Hubby is talking about when he tells me I am just rambling. He says, "could you just leave a message saying this is so-and-so, call me? You are just rambling and they won't even get half of your message!".
He's right, a friend returned my call the other day and said exactly that...was like "WTH?" I'm out of control! Here's the proof! I simply intended to make one little comment and THIS is exactly what I left.
Alright chic! I need you to set your comments where I can go down the list!! I'm sitting here literally LMAO, commenting in my head but I can't type fast enough before it all floats right out! LOL
When you get your answer for the weekend trip with your lesbian lover, can you let me know how you slipped that past Hubs, cause mine is the same way! ;)
V-day...hmmm, this one will be my/our 22nd anniv.... but honestly, just another day! no big trip to some fancy get-a-way. Again, hubby's alike, no romantic bones! darnit!
ugh...wait...just read up there...I'm not looking for a weekend away with my lesbian lover, I don't have one....I just meant how to get I'm explaining too much...never mind..
K...and don't take my measly week score on your quiz personally, I only found you my twitter friend, a couple weeks ago! and I DID get SOME answers right....AND most importantly - I SUCK at taking anything remotely close to a test!
IF you happen to look at my first posts, be warned I'm still under construction over there and I went (backdated) some posts for future tabs...therefore not my 'true' first post. ( I think I might have stuck in after the first one though)...darnit! Now I have to go read yours and then go check my own out... if it sucks too bad maybe I can change it before anyone else reads it. ;)
btw-this week has sucked for me too..maybe just one of those weeks..I had to pass on my FF for today for fear of running everybody off. Dang...I think I just wrote my post over here... sorry-hope you don't mind.
Now I know this has to have your curiosity up right? Well, I will make it easy, you can just click here to read her post. By the way, now that I am re-reading my comment, I am noticing SO many spelling errors and that I use '...' entirely too much. Maybe I do that because that is how my thoughts run around in my head. Not really complete sentences up there in my head.... I have Friday Fragments ALL WEEK LONG!
If you do the whole Valentine's Day celebration stuff...then have a Happy Valentine's Day! If you didn't notice in my comment it will also be our (mine and Hubby's, not me and you) 22nd wedding anniversary. We have been together over 25 years. And, if that doesn't 'date' me I don't know what does.
We will be celebrating by taking Taz to a friends birthday party, then I will be going to my brother's wedding (not Uncle B, although his 13th anniversary is also tomorrow) and then we will likely order yummy take out food from a nice restaurant (not fast food) to take home to eat. We never try to beat the crowds out on their dates. We just wait until another weekend and celebrate then.
RaMbLeR & Hubby

15 other ramblers babbled:
Happy Valentine's Day!
You are too funny girl...I love you random ways of saying stuff...cracks me up! I think that's why were all here, because we have so many random things to say and we need a place to say it!
I have to go follow the link about the lesbian lover thing and read some more Friday Fragments.
Great pic of you and hubby!
Hope you have a very happy and love-filled Valentine's Day...yummy take-out sounds like a good idea!
Hi pretty lady! Your rambling is part of your charm. Ramble away babe! Have a great Valentine's Day!
gee you look normal enough
if it's any consolation, I totally understood your comment- that's just how my mind works- kind of sad, huh?
Thanks for the shout out! BTW, you and your husband are too cute!
you two are adorable.
Super cute pic. Have a great day!!
Happy Anniversary! don't feel bad I ramble all the time esp. on comments! Most of my comments end up the size of a post AND I use "...." ALL THE TIME on my blog too. Sometimes highly intelligent people like ourselves have too many thoughts in our head to limit what we say!
You are an adorable couple! :)
I'm a rambler too! It drives my husband crazy!
Oh, it looks like I will be at the scentsy party!! Yippee!!!! :) I can't wait to meet you in person.
You're a beautiful couple. Happy Anniversary! Hope everyone is back to 100% soon.
Oh, what a great picture! You guys are so CUTE! I can't wait to meet you...oh, and I just noticed Dawn will be coming exciting!
Cute Cute Couple! I SO wish I could go to scentsy partay *sad face* It's going to be a blogging get-together! What fun!
That is a great picture of the two of you. I wish I could go to the party. We are celebrating my b-day that dad so I don't think my hubby would be to happy with me if I took off. I just hate missing a good party. Hope you guys had a wonderful valentines day.
Happy Valentine's Day/Anniversary. Twenty-two years? Did you get guys get married when you were 12 or something? You two are so cute together.
You are too funny!!
Happy Anniversary!
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