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Cheaper than Therapy
Cheaper than Therapy

me holding Roo,my Grandma R,my Aunt W,Grandpa B(my dad),Uncle B
With the tornadoes and talking about family I started thinking about my Grandma. This is the last picture I have of her, taken in July of 2007 when Roo was only 4 1/2 months old. So, here you can see 4 generations. And YES, that is me. I'm going to blame it on the pregnancy, Roo wasn't even 5 months old yet.
28 other ramblers babbled:
I remember the tornado days when we lived in Oklahoma. Now it is just Tsunamis and earth quakes. We call our princess REW. I called her Roo when she was in my tummy and it just stuck and turned into her initials.
I remember yesterday the day after the tornado and all the clean up I had to do!
I think you look great. This is a good family photo.
I think you look gorgeous!
Love the generation pictures! This is one to cherish!
You look great! I love the family pic!
I love generational pictures! They are great for the memory books! Happy ATWT!
Pretty good photo...and who is the one with the dark tan!
My Thousand Word Thurs post
Wow, 4 generations! Great picture!
It is wonderful to have these generation pictures.
What a wonderful keepsake. You look fantastic btw!
Awwww, such a wonderful photo to cherish! Thanks for sharing! (and you look GREAT!) :)
I think its a fantastic picture!
You look great! Happy ATWT!
I wish we had more pictures like these!
Gotta love those post preggo pictures! I do love generational pics, though!
Great pic!! =)
That's a sweet family memory! My hubby's gran is still alive, we need a 4 generation shot!
that's so great to have!! PS you look shut it!!
wow, what a great memory!
OH! I love nothing better then Generation Pics! Those are the ones that end up in frames in 50 years and the kids keep asking who is this person and Who what that!
Very cute! I have to say it was your hair that threw me for a loop and I had to take a double take. I am so use to the pics at the top of your blog.
You look gorgeous! One of my favorite pictures we have is one we got of my son, husband, father-in-law, and grandfather-in-law, 4 generations!
What a great photo to have. Hope you guys are all doing okay after the tornado that tore through your place. We saw it on our news here in CA!
Great picture! I love it that you captured 4 generations...lasting memories!
You've been tagged!
You have 10 more honest things you can reveal! :)
i love that memory! :)
Happy Valentine's Day, Rambler. I miss your visits!!
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