These are pictures from after the first tornado came rushing right past my house yesterday. I would've loved to have given you pictures of the actual tornado....but I was in my hall bathroom doorway getting ready to take cover.
I was a little stressed as I stood there holding both my cell phone and my home phone in one hand and had three remotes (one for the t.v., for the cable box and the other for the surround sound system) in the other hand. We kept losing electricity and I was trying to figure out exactly how close the tornado was and trying to make calls to check on my boys.
My Hubby works out on a job sight and we apparently had cell service in and out (at times my phone would show 'emergency service only'). I made sure Roo would be safe at his school, verifying exactly where he would be going. I knew Taz was safe and secure inside his school as they had the schools on lock down and it wasn't time for him to be finished with school for the day. I was pretty sure that BA would also be in lock down at his school but I couldn't get through on his phone to verify. He had already been released for the day but was hanging around waiting for his girlfriend. Later he finally got through to us to let us know they were safe at her house where they have a huge walk-in safe place to go to.
I've lived here in 'tornado alley' all of my life so, even though I get a rush from my adrenaline pumping, there is also amazement. It's interesting and strangely beautiful how the sky can be so bright and then so quickly, everything goes still and turns to black. It is also so sad the trail it leaves behind.
The first (yes, there were several) tornado to come through went ripping, literally, right past my house. It was on the ground, chewing up debris, only one mile away. It took out a park that my children have played ball at and sits right next to the school BA went to. This tornado showed NO discrimination and wiped out some million dollar homes that sat along a local golf course. I was unable to take any pictures as they blocked off these sections and asked for I.D. for residents only to enter.
I thank God that we are all safe. I thank my Hubby for being my security blanket, coming straight home as soon as he knew the tornado was coming and going back out to bring my boys to me before the next one was due to come back through the same path. Also, thank you, all my blogland/twitter friends, for checking in on us and all the prayers.

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20 other ramblers babbled:
I'm glad everyone is alright. Tornadoes really scare me.
I am so glad you are safe. Have you ever been in a tornado?
Beautiful pictures!
I'm glad you still have a rooftop in that picture! We're relatively used to the whole tornado drill business, too. But I think everyone has been home when it happens- I don't think I'd play it so cool if we weren't all together!
Been a while since I have been near a tornado...
My WondWed post
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Yikes! Glad you're safe. Mean looking clouds.
whew... i am happy you and your family are safe! i would have been a complete maniac. i guess some people are not meant to live in tornado alley (that would be me).
Holy cow. That is some big hail!
Huge hail! Glad your safe!
I'm glad you all were safe and didn't receive any damage.
We lived in Moore when I was in kdg. and first grade. Our house was hit by a tornado while we were in it. It was the scariest thing. The 1999 tornado wiped that house and neighbor completely out. Moore gets hit almost every stinkin' time. YOu couldn't pay me to live there again.
I'm so glad you are safe.
I think I'd freak out. A lot.
Whew. Just thinking about it makes me a little weak in the knees!
I'm glad to know that you guys are ok. Being an Okie my whole life, I know what it's like to have a tornado at your back door...literally and figuratively. There wasn't any damage up here around Tulsa, just lots of rain and some hail. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers.
I am glad you hear you are ok. I wonder if the neighborhood you are talking about is Oak Tree area? We have some friends that live on a golf course over there, and I heard they were hit. Not for sure. I haven't been able to get ahold of them.
I too love the weather, but a mile hits pretty close to home. So glad your family is good.
I am so glad that you are ok. I hate tornados they scare me to death!
I am so glad you are okay! My real life friend Christy is in the comment above this one by the way! :) Yeah, the storm was quite scary. My student's mom's house in Lone Grove is totally gone. Thank God she is okay!
That's so scary! I'm so glad you're safe!!!
How scary. I am so glad you guys are alright.
We also live in a part of Tornado Alley. I hate tornado season. Storms scare the crap out of me.
Glad all is well with you all. How scary that the boys weren't with you...just terrifying. I was scared last night and I was pretty sure they weren't even coming in this direction.
Scary! We don't have to deal with that stuff over here thank God! I'm glad your family is safe and I'm glad you have a good husband to hold you together!
I am so glad that you and your family are okay. I said many prayers yesterday for you and all those in your area. We had a deadly tornado last year only five miles from my house. It was Feb 5th, 2008. It claimed the life of several adults as well as a child. It was devestating to our small community. You are right when you stated that the storm does not discriminate. I am just hoping your community will reach out to those affected and help them to get through this tough, tragic time. Again, glad you are safe and sound. You were in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Oh my! So glad that you are all safe. We live in the same "alley" so I understand. Hope the boys are feeling okay about it all.
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