It is NOT pretty when momma gets sick! Blah! And, guess what, yep, I am!
I'm tellin you, I don't have a whole lot of funny in me right now. I feel like poo! Not like this....

But like this....

I am not nearly as cute when I'm sick as these two are....


So, now I have to confess AGAIN! I tell you what, mother's of the world, are going to have a tough time beating ME out of Mother of the Year!
I promise you I NEVER can sleep in the middle of the day. I wish I could. I NEED to be able to occasionally but I just can't. Even with only 2 hours sleep, which is pretty common with Roo.
Today I felt bad enough I decided I was going to take a little nap. I called Hubby and asked him to call the home phone and make sure I was awake in an hour. I turned off my cell phone (so the Twitters wouldn't wake me) and crashed.
When I wake up I have a text from BA - U didn't pay for my lunch account. I kinda needed that to kinda eat today. Oops...
It was too late for me to help him out. He just had to starve until he got home from school. Way to go mom! The ONE time I decide I feel bad enough to be able to sleep so I take about a 45 minute nap and I'm starving my child.
Ah well! What could I do? I just paid his account so he can eat tomorrow and made sure he had food when he got home from school.
11 other ramblers babbled:
I like taking naps when I can. Good things I don't have any kids to screw up yet.
Get well soon, I know how you feel!
Oh no. This is bad news. The good news is you still look pretty sassy even though you feel like shiz.
So, you're telling me that if I have kids, my napping days are over? I need to think about this whole kid business...
I hope you feel better soon!!!
Eating is overrated...especially for kiddos
My WondWed post
Dang, they won't let him charge? They do at my kids' schools.
Being sick and being a mama just don't seem to go hand in hand. Here's to hoping you feel better soon.
Aww twinnie....sending you a supernanny (not the one that tells you how bad you are) with some freshly squeezed OJ, chicken noodle soup and no need for sleep so you can sleep whenever you need.
Feel better soon.
Tell your son you forget to feed YOURSELF all the time so don't feel bad :)
awww.. I hope you guys feel better!!
Nice to meet you, Rambler - thanks for the compliments on my blog! And, yes, isn't my sister MRS4444 fabulous? She's the bomb.
I consider my self an awesome mother and I did this once, too. My 9 year old had to eat the Uncrustable PB&J the school gave him. I think it was the closest he came to a near death experience.
Love that pic of your youngest - such a LOOK!
Awww, hope you're feeling better! I can't sleep in the middle of the day, either, no matter how tired I am...too bright to sleep! :)
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