These pics are of the previous storm we had come through and they have NOT been edited at all....yep, straight out of the camera. I took these standing out my back door. The sky was beautiful!

Cheaper Than Therapy
for more ATWT see
Cheaper than Therapy

9 other ramblers babbled:

Leslie said...

B E A U T I F U L !!

Happy.... Thursday?!! You are way ahead of me girl! I can't keep up!

Laura Marchant said...


Durgagirl said...

Oh you have done such a beautiful blog page. Such talent. Every aspect is lovely and the pics? Well...what can I say?

All best to you sweet twitter BFF,


Mel Fraase said...

Wow, the color! It makes me feel like some big bad storm is on it's way, for sure! Good shots!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pictures. TFS

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Really truly stunning!

lov said...

what amazing pictures

i've missed you while i was away!

Unknown said...

Very beautiful! I love them! God is such an amazing artist, isn't he?

Keri said...

Love the colors. So purty.